Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Beautiful Little Visit~

For the past six days I've been pondering how to put into words the most beautiful little visit. It was a visit that will forever change me. It wrecked my heart and left me overwhelmed at how I can make more of a difference in this world. I have been to one other very remote area of China, but I didn't get the opportunity to actually see first hand how the people lived within their homes. Until...
Last Thursday...
That day I had our guide David with us and another guide, Michael. After the orphanage visit, they asked me if I would like to drive deeper into the countryside of a rural village and see how the people live. Of course, I did... that's my heart... the people... not the big westernized city we had been staying in all week. I had commented  the entire two hour drive how beautiful the scenery was and I asked lots of questions about the people. So... they offered to take me into one of the little villages. 
I had already been pondering the little faces of the children we had just left. Praying that each one would have the opportunity to feel the love of a family and be adopted. It breaks my heart knowing so many will not. It's more than I can even put into words. It literally grieves me. 
Then... they drive me way down into a little rural countryside area. Extreme poverty was evident and they shared with me how most of these people never have left the area. They are farmers and peasants just living day to day without much knowledge of life outside of their little remote area. 
We come to a house and Michael and David get out to ask if we could visit with them. There was an older lady who welcomed us in and shared a little of her daily life. She was a peasant and extremely poor. It broke my heart and honestly, I was totally broken over the way she lives daily vs. the way I live daily back in America. In that moment, all I could think of was how everyone back home needs to see how others live in these remote (many unreached) areas of the world. The sweet lady had never seen a "foreigner" and was totally confused as to why I had three Chinese daughters with me. Michael tried to explain to her, but she was confused. 
As we were leaving I felt so strongly the Holy Spirit tell me to go back and give her some money and just look at her, touch her and be a light. So, Michael let me run back over to her. I stared into her face, told her she was precious to Yeisu (Jesus) and that she was dearly loved. Her solemn face seem to soften. I handed her the money I knew I was to give her and she began to wail. Friends, I did not give her much. It was all I had but it was not much. I so wish I could have given more. I'll never forget her precious face and eyes for as long as I live. I want to live my life on mission and on purpose. May I forever do so through His Spirit that lives within me. Oh how He loves and we are called to love... It's our Father's greatest commandment. 
"Do for one what you wish you could do for all." ~Andy Stanley~ 

                                                               Their bed... the only bed in the house
                                                               isn't she beautiful?
                                                chickens literally right out her back door




  1. Very powerful testimony. Thank you for sharing your heart. It touched mine.

  2. Amazing Kim...I pray that the love of her Heavenly Creator would penetrate her heart, and that she would come to know Him.

  3. You indeed touched one life. But, I am pretty sure that the love of Christ that you shared with her, will trickle out into her community and those she is closest to. Thank You, for sharing this very special part of your trip. - Jo
