There are days I find myself in complete awe of my great big God. Honestly, everyday should be this way. But, this morning I just sat once again in amazement at what God had done over the last seven months. The week before travel is always overwhelming. For some strange reason, I decide that every. single. little. thing needs to be done before bringing this child home. I do this every. single. time. You know, those projects and to do lists you put off for months... well, I kick in and decide they ALL need to be done now. I have absolutely no idea why on earth I do this. BUT... I do.
However, this morning as Greg was reviewing all financial details with me (which, by the way, completely and totally overwhelms me and makes my brain hurt), I sat in humble gratitude of my great big God...Jehovah Jireh, our provider. Greg had been figuring out all the money and how much we still needed to wire in the next day or two. He was quite emotional as he realized what God had done once again through this adoption. The amount we had just sent for the remaining balance was within dollars of how much people had generously donated to Reecesrainbow toward our adoption of Havah Rose. THEN... the amount we needed to pay for hotels and in country adoption fees was within a dollar. This is money people have given us personally and money we've raised through our fundraising efforts. Why did this surprise me? HE has done this for every adoption, yet I'm blown away again. I wouldn't trade this journey for the world. I love this calling HE placed on our lives and I challenge anyone who feels called to something, but is scared to step out... listen to that still small voice and DO IT!! He will equip you!
I echo Joshua's words in Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
The journey of adoption has taught me so much about faith. I am not even the person I was in 2005 when He first called us to this. I've always had my ways of figuring it out, BUT... HIS ways are so much bigger and I am humbled to be a part of this calling.
We love all of those who have come along side of us to bring this precious soul home. We ask all of you to be praying for us as Esther, Ruthey and myself travel to go get our sweet Havah Rose. Pray also for Greg, Kailey, Brady, Josie and Grey as they stay home and continue on with their commitments (work and school). I will miss them terribly.... especially Greg not being there with me; however, this is the best option for our entire family. We leave Friday, February 12th. We will return on Thursday, February 25th. We cherish your prayers and would love for you to follow our journey as we go.
Following with joy for your family!